What will I see when I come to Vigur?

Nature on Vigur is completely wild - we do not breed or keep anything in captivity - therefore, we cannot predict what you will see during your visit and cannot be held responsible for sightings. More than 65 species of bird can be seen on Vigur throughout the summer season. The table below is intended as a guide to the season for the wildlife of primary interest to the majority of visitors and is intended as an indication of what may be possible to see only. It does not imply any guarantee of sightings of any wildlife at any time.

*Puffin arrive on Vigur from mid-April so it is possible that Puffin may be seen during late-April visits to Vigur. The Puffin begin to leave Vigur from late-July / early August. It is possible to see Puffin on Vigur well into August but this varies from year to year.

**Arctic Terns arrive on Vigur in mid-May. The majority leave in early August but fledglings are often present on the coast of Vigur well into August.